When we're in Karen's place, she is so fretful, and wants to be near me all the time. I guess with

Her usual excitement during bath time, had also turned into some kind of torture. The minute she's taken to the bath room by Elizebeth, her shouting and screaming bout starts. Nothing can consol her. We have to resort to topping and tailing her most of the time.
When we're back home (Shah Alam was one of the worst hit area), we spent most of our time in our own room, with the aircon (with in-built air filtration and ioniser) on, and if we needed to be in the living room, we have the ironiser turned on full blown, and all the windows shut tight.
It seems the haze is going to be with us for a while until the wind changed directions or the monsoon arrives. We will have to endure more of this till then.
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