Tasha has very big eyes and prominant double eye lids, compared to the time when she was born, her features are now even more prominant. She doesn't look Chinese at all (then again, both T and BIL don't look like Chinese too)! I think she's going to grow up to be very beautiful.

Zara was very happy to see Puh-Pay (her way or pronuncing Baby) Tasha. She was very gentle with Tasha, looking at her tenderly and stroking her. She even tried to sing and dance for Tasha (as since on the top left hand of the photo below).
She got a lot of praising from me, I told her she really behaves like a che-che (Chinese: elder sister) now.
The baby's got pretty eyes huh? Lucky Zara's not tomboy with the li' one. ;)
ReplyDeleteSo cute!!!! The big eyes genes run strong in your family :)
ReplyDeleteindeed! tasha has soooo much hair!
ReplyDeleteTasha has very beautiful eyes. You are right, she doesn't look chinese. ARe both parents Chinese?
ReplyDeleteGood tranning for Zara che che, I am sure she will be more than happy to have her own de de or mei mei. :)
hohoho...big eye... and gosh... the hair!!! hahaha...all standing up, so cute :D. love to see baby hair all standing up, like need a lot attention.
ReplyDeleteZara's ready to be a che-che...:)
ReplyDeleteso good girl..hey dear, time to get a 2nd one for zara to play with ;)
ReplyDeleteBeautiful baby! Zara looks so grown up once you compared her with a baby..hehe..;p
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute baby. Makes me wanna run out and have another one...
ReplyDeleteZara's hair reminds me of my Leisha's. Did you do anything to make it grow Agnes? Leisha's hair is so scanty esp at the back of her head.
What a beautiful baby..!!
ReplyDeleteAnd so cute of Zara.. to be looking on. .like that. :)
wah, she certainly has changed, can't even reconise her.
ReplyDeleteBut really pretty.....
Beautiful eyes.. She doesn't look chinese.
ReplyDeleteTasha is so beautiful...i can't take my eyes off her.
ReplyDeleteZara is showing sign that she is ready for the big sis title :)
Ah.... my mom called that kind of eyes "Almond eyes" :) Very beautiful...
ReplyDeleteu keep visiting bewborn bb ya..haha, hope this year to hear your good news!
ReplyDeletePretty bb...my both girl no 双眼皮 le, jsut like me! sigh*
So leang lar!! Looking at your pics, you're almost poised to breastfeed Zara and baby!! Natural instincts ar?? lol
ReplyDeleteZara is indeed looking at baby affectionately!! I bet she'll make a good jeh jeh!!
how come both babies also have similar "explosive" hairstyle one?
ReplyDeleteYeah, she's very gentle with Tasha. Must be all the drilling I'd given her. :P
The Diva,
Yeah, but hubby's genes are strong too, that's why Zara's eyes are not as big as mine. :(
Moi? *batting eye lashes*
Yes.. I'm so envious!
Yeah, both my sis (of course) and BIL are Chinese.
But my sis was always being mistaken as a Malay, so that explains..
Why most babies hair also stand up one?
Your twins also, when they were younger. Zara also..
Yeah, she must be so happy now she has someone her age to play with.
Trying la.. but not so easy to get.. :(
Yeah.. behave like che-che already with babies around. I wonder if she's going to boss Tasha around later. :x
We didn't do anything. You have any secret recipe. People told us we should apply whiskey or brandy on her scalp. How's Leisha's hair now? Still little or a lot now?
Mama bok,
Yeah, she seems to be facinated with her.
King's Wife,
Yeah.. prettiest in the family.. Such luck T has huh?
Yup. Tasha's parents too.. I mean my sis and BIL don't look chinese too although they are.
Two Little Fellas,
I know I know, the pressure is on me now. *sigh*
Big almond eyes in this case! :P
I also hope, keep visiting can get baby (without having sex). Haha.
No 双眼皮 never mind, my hubby always say next time go & do laser correction loh, get 双眼皮, when I complain Zara's eyes look like his.. if follow mine good la.. Mine super big, and got a lot of 眼皮. *LOL*
Wah, you so observant. Yeah, maybe really instint.. carry a baby means want to put her/him at my breast already. *LOL*
Both babies? All 4 photos also Tasha woh..
But like I told Mariah, somehow babies all have explosive hair. LLS don't have?
ReplyDeleteYeah, she's very gentle with Tasha. Must be all the drilling I'd given her. :P
The Diva,
Yeah, but hubby's genes are strong too, that's why Zara's eyes are not as big as mine. :(
Moi? *batting eye lashes*
Yes.. I'm so envious!
Yeah, both my sis (of course) and BIL are Chinese.
But my sis was always being mistaken as a Malay, so that explains..
Why most babies hair also stand up one?
Your twins also, when they were younger. Zara also..
Yeah, she must be so happy now she has someone her age to play with.
Trying la.. but not so easy to get.. :(
Yeah.. behave like che-che already with babies around. I wonder if she's going to boss Tasha around later. :x
We didn't do anything. You have any secret recipe. People told us we should apply whiskey or brandy on her scalp. How's Leisha's hair now? Still little or a lot now?
Mama bok,
Yeah, she seems to be facinated with her.
King's Wife,
Yeah.. prettiest in the family.. Such luck T has huh?
Yup. Tasha's parents too.. I mean my sis and BIL don't look chinese too although they are.
Two Little Fellas,
I know I know, the pressure is on me now. *sigh*
Big almond eyes in this case! :P
I also hope, keep visiting can get baby (without having sex). Haha.
No 双眼皮 never mind, my hubby always say next time go & do laser correction loh, get 双眼皮, when I complain Zara's eyes look like his.. if follow mine good la.. Mine super big, and got a lot of 眼皮. *LOL*
Wah, you so observant. Yeah, maybe really instint.. carry a baby means want to put her/him at my breast already. *LOL*
Both babies? All 4 photos also Tasha woh..
But like I told Mariah, somehow babies all have explosive hair. LLS don't have?
Leisha's hair is still scanty. I dont know what to do but the oldies keep telling us to shave her head again (we shaved her bald on the 31st day of her birth) but we're not going to. My mum uses oil (the smelly one) for 10 mins on her head b4 her bath. Thats suppose to help, she said.
ReplyDeleteI need some advise on what to feed Leisha now that she's eating solids. Is there a way of mailing you?