Zara is 21mths today, 3 more months till she's 2yrs old (oh boy, have to start planning for her birthday party).
~ Weight should be more than 9.7kg (didn't weigh her this month)
~ Height : 83cm
~ No new teeth sprouting. She has a total of 16 teeth.
Dexterity :
~ Climbing up stairs without holding on to anything, however, we asked her to at least use the wall to support her, just in case.
~ Able to rinse her mouth and spit out, even moving her cheek to do a through rinse.
~ Able to draw circles (although not perfect).
~ Climbing up ladders in the park unassisted.
~ Able to put on her pants with some help.
Language :
~ She can sing and recite some nursery rhymes from beginning till the end.
~ Her reasoning skill is getting very good.
~ She's learning new words very quickly, and the correct usage of them.
~ She's able to sing along with most of the songs she has on CD, VCD and DVD, for words she's not sure, she'll just mumble something to the tune.
(and lots more which I'd captured in some of the posts)
Feeding and Food:
3 meals and 3 milk feeds a day. Eats a lot of snacks in between,
Her current favourite junk food is chocolate ice cream (she only fancies chocolate flavour and nothing else), which I have to keep a tub in the freezer all the time.
She only wants to have egg and cheese these days for breakfast and lunch.
And for dinner, as long there's a fish or an egg dish, she's fine.
She refuses most leafy vege (just suddenly), preferring only beans (long beans, peas). Luckily she takes lots of fruits or she won't have enough fiber intake.
Emotions :
~ Officially weaned off thumb sucking.
~ Extremely clingy nowadays, probably feels threatened by my growing stomach and the coming baby.
~ Showing preference to which kid she likes to play with in the park, she only likes to 'hang around' this particular girl, who's 8mths older than her.
~ Very affectionate, giving everybody lots of hugs and kisses, and saying "I love you" to Daddy and me.
~ Very emotional, especially when she sees animals in distressed (mummy not in the same league as the animals).
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