Ok, ok, this is not about my prep for my holidays. This is about Zara.
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~ Weight : 10.3kg (2 weeks ago)
~ Height : 83cm (is it possible that she keeps gaining weight but not height?)
~ She likes to drink from a cup instead of a sippy cup, and if she pays attention to what she's doing, there won't be any spillage.
~ She likes feeding herself with a fork and doing very well. Still need some assistance when she uses a spoon
Emotions and character
I start to see her displaying some 'Terrible Two' characters.
~ She never used to walk too far away from me when we're out. Now, when she insists that she wants to leave or go somewhere else, and I tell her to wait for a while, she walks away mumbling, "Zara want go home (or wherever)". And without looking back, she walks straight on.
~ She cries and shouts when she doesn't get her way (but I totally ignore that)
She's also doing lots of 'pretend' play nowadays
~ She has conversation to herself and her soft toys, something that goes like that,
"You want milk?"
"Don't want."
"You want cheese?"
"Here, cheese. Take."
~ She dresses up and pretends to be a queen, a cowboy, or even an animal

Pretending to be mummy carrying a baby
She sometimes have emotional tussles with herself, and have conversation like this with herself
*reaches her hands out to me* "Mummy hug hug Zara"
*put her hands down* "Don't want."
*reaches her hands out to Tuyam* "Kakak hug hug Zara"
*put her hands down* "I don't want. I don't want."
*reaches her hands out to me again* "Mummy, mummy, carry you (me)".
*put her hands down* "I don't want. I don't want anybody" *starts making crying sound*
Logical Thinking
She's able to think logically,
~ when we asked her if she can fly, she will reply, "Cannot, because Zara don't have wings".
~ she knows, "Zara's family got Daddy, mummy and Zara."
~ she knows she's still small and can only do certain things, e.g. "Zara now small jiejie, cannot play with scissors. When Zara big jiejie, Zara can cut cut with scissors"
~ She's talking non-stop, and picking up new words all the time. Some of her pronunciation is still off (e.g. In-doh-nee-sah for Indonesia; Taffik yike for Traffic Light), and we sometimes have a tough time trying to figure out what she's saying, but when we do, we can always see the smile on her face, that she finally made us understand.
~ She loves books and picks up lots of new words from books. She can spend a lot of time flipping through books, and sometimes reading to herself (retelling the story in her own words).

Her book moment before bed time
Note : I'm absolutely trying to catch up on my blog reading, so don't mind if I'd not been visiting.
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