We are trying our luck the 2nd time this round. Since I only started looking for one after I got my amnio result (into 5th month), we were not left with many choices (better ones were already hired). I haven't met the CL, don't know what she looks like, how she is.
Daddy is extremely skeptical about leaving baby at night with the CL alone in a room for that one month. Since I'm going to breast feed anyway, we plan to have the CL sleep with me in our room, while Daddy takes the guest's room.
The thing is where will the CL sleep? On our queen size bed with me? Err.. I don't think I want that. On Zara's bed? Hah, here is what Zara said when we tried to 'negotiate' with her.
Me : "Zara let Aunty sleep on your bed, then Zara sleep with mummy on mummy's bed ok? At night, mummy can hug hug you to sleep (to 'motivate' her)"
Zara : "Zara's bed is Zara's. Aunty sleep downstairs on the sofa."
Me : "There are lots of bugs downstairs at night."
Zara : *pointing to the guest's room* "Aunty sleep in the other room."
Me : "Daddy is sleeping there already... We changed the mattress, bed sheets on your bed, then Zara let Aunty sleep on your bed can or not?"
Zara : "Nooo! This is special bed *pointing to her bed*, only Zara can sleep here. Nobody can sleep" (and I was worried she won't settle in her own bed, when we moved her from her cot to the bed)
Me : "Then where will aunty sleep?"
Zara : *pointed to the floor in our room* "Sleep there then."
So, here is our plan, we'll be setting up another single bed in our room near the cot, and have the CL sleep there for that month.
Have a look at the room now, it'll turn into a dorm when the other bed is moved in!

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