Many loaves of bread making later, I realised that if you add fat such as olive oil or butter in your dough, you tend to get a softer bread. To make it more palatable to to the children, as they like bread soft, I try to make most of my bread with some fat now, and I normally use extra virgin olive oil for health reasons.
I normally use Richard Bertinet Olive Dough recipe, and I'll mix different flour together but the total amount of flour always adds up to 520g.
This round, it's maize flour that I used to mix with strong bread flour.
♥Recipe for Olive Dough♥
Adopted from Richard Bertinet Dough
Make 4 medium size loaves
You'll need
400g strong bread flour
20g salmolina flour
100g maize flour
1 sachet of instant yeast
10g salt
50g extra virgin olive oil
320g water
1) Mix the flour, yeast, salt together, and then add in the water and olive oil
2) Knead the dough using dough hook at low speed until well combined then increase to medium low speed and knead for another 5mins.
3) Lightly dust the inside of a clean bowl with flour and place the dough in it. Cover with tea towel and rest for 1hour (dough should be double in size)
4) Tun the dough out onto a lightly floured work surface and form into a ball. Return to bowl, and cover and rest for a further 30mins
5) Flour the work surface again, and turn the dough out onto it. Divide into 4 equal piece (weighing would be more acurate). Fold one side into the middle and again use the heel of your hand, or thumb, to press it down and seal. Bring the other side over to the middle and again press down to seal. Finally, fold in half lenghthways and seal the edges so you end up with a long log shape with rounded ends.
6) Place the loaves on a baking tray and flour the tops with maize flour. (If you want, you can make diagonal cuts across the top of each loaf). Cover the loves with tea towel and leave to proove for 1hr.
7) Preheat oven to 250C while waiting for the bread to prove. Once ready, turn down the temparature to 230C and place the loaves in the oven.
8 ) Bake for 15 to 18minutes, until they are golden brown colour. Remove from the oven and cool on wire rack.
I normally use Richard Bertinet Olive Dough recipe, and I'll mix different flour together but the total amount of flour always adds up to 520g.
This round, it's maize flour that I used to mix with strong bread flour.
♥Recipe for Olive Dough♥
Adopted from Richard Bertinet Dough
Make 4 medium size loaves
You'll need
400g strong bread flour
20g salmolina flour
100g maize flour
1 sachet of instant yeast
10g salt
50g extra virgin olive oil
320g water
1) Mix the flour, yeast, salt together, and then add in the water and olive oil
2) Knead the dough using dough hook at low speed until well combined then increase to medium low speed and knead for another 5mins.
3) Lightly dust the inside of a clean bowl with flour and place the dough in it. Cover with tea towel and rest for 1hour (dough should be double in size)

5) Flour the work surface again, and turn the dough out onto it. Divide into 4 equal piece (weighing would be more acurate). Fold one side into the middle and again use the heel of your hand, or thumb, to press it down and seal. Bring the other side over to the middle and again press down to seal. Finally, fold in half lenghthways and seal the edges so you end up with a long log shape with rounded ends.

8 ) Bake for 15 to 18minutes, until they are golden brown colour. Remove from the oven and cool on wire rack.

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