2 weeks ago, a teacher Zara likes and admires tremendously from school contracted Dengue and was admitted into a hospital with a platelet count of less than 50, we thought we'll help out as she was from outstation with no family to care for her here. After asking around and googling, we found 2 remedies which will help to increase platelet count.
The 1st one Papaya Leave Juice and the other Double Boiled Frogs with Small Bitter Gourd.
There's nothing the doctor can administer for Dengue besides putting the patient on drip and feeding Paracetamol to the patient for fever, hence most people depended on this natural cure.
Here is how it's prepared.
♥Papaya Leaf Juice♥

5, 6 papaya leaves from young papaya trees, best if it's from trees that never borne fruits.
Wash, clean and cut the leaves up and then juice them a slow juicer to extract out the juice.
Or use a mortar and pestle to pound the leave till a pulp and squeeze out the juice.
5~6 papaya leaves will only extract out half a cup of juice.
As the juice is extremely bitter, mix the juice with 1 or 2 tsp of honey. Take 2 tbs of juice 3 times a day.

5 frogs (the people selling the frogs will skin the frogs)
5 small bitter gourd

1. Clean the frogs
2. Slice the small bitter gourds into half, remove the seeds, and slice the bitter gourd
3. Place frogs and bitter gourd into the double boiler (do not add any water)
4. Double boil for 4hrs
5. Remove the frogs and bitter gourd, and you'll get about 1 bowl of soup.
6. Serve warm
This is another extremely bitter soup, but as the popular Chinese phrase 苦口良药 says, a bitter medicine cures the disease.
We made this and sent to Zara's teacher for the first few days she's in the hospital, we are glad that her teacher is well after a few days and now fully recovered.

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