I believe bare footed will teach Zara to balance better, and we didn't need to give her shoes so soon. However, she's getting more and more keen to walk about when we're out, and I guess we need a pair of shoes for such occasions. Since she can't fit into that pair of shoes, it gives me another reason to shop for an alternate pair.

Over the weekend, we went to Megamall to shop. I went to check out a few shops on the 2nd floor. Strawberry has very pretty shoes for baby girls, but the sole is too soft and the shoes a bit pricey. Jusco was like a mad house, the whole children department was so crowded with people doing Hari Raya shopping, not very pleasant to shop there.
We ended up in Bubble Gummers. Shoes there are very reasonably priced. We got Zara to try on and walk about with a few, and eventually bought one which has those squeky sound released when stepped on. She couldn't balance as well as when she's bare footed, but I guess she'll learn.
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