Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Ring a Ring A Roses

Here's a video of Zara acting out the nursery rhyme on the bed. Some how, this round, she was facinated with whatever was on her dress, she stopped turning half way.

She's street smart, if it's done on the bed, her falling will be a real 'fall', but when she's on the hard floor, her falling is just a big bow.


  1. hehe so cute.....can say down somemore :)

  2. hahahaha... and she still come in on time!! must hear the "down..." before she gets down... before that only preparing...

  3. Cute cute! know when to go down..hahaha..really cute...!:)

  4. heeee...she is so cute and smart le. So young can response so well already. Zara mama...Happy happy!!!

  5. jasmine, yl, blurblur, allyfeel,
    thank you thank you.
    She seems to be growing up very fast, very soon will leave the nest liao.

    can. They always never seize to amaze us.

    Sometimes I under estimate their skill, sometimes I give them too much credit.

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