I was back at home on Friday evening, Zara was very happy to see me, she has forgotten
how upset she got. She hugged and kissed me, touched my face as though trying to 'feel' I'm real, smiled all the time and looked at me affectionately. For dinner she insisted,
"Mummy sit with you (me)". And kept following me every where. At night, she told Daddy,
"Don't want Daddy sleep with you (me), want mummy sleep with you (me)." And she wanted me to hug her to sleep.
Everything was just like before, she didn't need any 'warm up' time.
Here are some photos taken during my trip.
My first meal; after I arrived and checked in to the hotel, it was already 3pm, so I just walked to a near by coffee shop (茶餐厅) and ordered carrot cake (生煎箩卜糕) for a quick bite. I had a table all to myself, but if I lifted my elbow any higher, I would have touched my neigbour's elbow. The tables were laid just so close to each other.
Around the hotel. I was staying in Causeway Bay 铜锣弯, a very busy shopping district. Shops were opened till 10:30pm - 11pm.
My first taste of the roast goose rice 烧鹅髀饭. It was in a small little neighbourhood restaurant 强记, but it was pretty delicious.
Some safety propaganda in the MTR station.

View from the meeting room in the office.
Dim sum lunch with colleagues.
Dried sea produce shops 海味铺 at Sheung Wan 上环 (an area popular to get dried sea produce). I bought quite a fair bit from this shop.

The famous Yung Kee Restaurant 鏞記酒家, which supposed to serve the best roast goose in Hong Kong Island.
The display of Yung Kee facing the main entrance.
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