On the last day, however, I saw there was a sale on in Zara! I love the kids clothes from Zara, they are ideal for Zara because she is tall and lean; most of the other international brands like Osh Kosh and Mother Care do not fit her well because they are made for bigger size kids.
Here are the loot I got for her, most of them are from Zara (which became more affordable after discount).

And what is going to Hong Kong without buying the extremely good quality dried sea produce/海味. I got the viagra prawns mentioned in Domestic Rat's blog too, but they are from Southern China and not Sarawak. I bought double of everything below, because I have to give them to MIL as gifts for keeping an eye on Zara and maid during the time I was away.
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Zara modeling her new clothes from Zara.
I got her a watering can from Hong Kong too, she really loves it, and immediately wanted to help Kakak water the plants.

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I wonder when I'll go to Hong Kong again (the last time I went was 20yrs ago with my mum and sis), it's not a holiday destination I have in mind. So I'll wait for my next business trip.
What I like about Hong Kong
~ The transport system, cabs, busses, MTR are very good and extensive.
~ The porridge in Hong Kong is superb, so creamy and delicious. Anybody knows how to make porridge like the ones you find in Hong Kong?
~ The roast goose is to die for.
What I don't like about Hong Kong
~ People smoke indoor, in buildings, in restaurants. Blech!
~ Food or dishes whipped out from restaurants are extremely salty for my liking.
~ Every where is so crowded, and there's no green lungs!
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