Tuesday, December 6, 2005

Zara Talking

Last week, while waiting for her to fall asleep, I just got her to speak after me on the words that she already knew.

Half way through, she started talking in her baby language, and giggled. To listen to the recording of the 'conversation', click here .


  1. yee...invalid menu handle, cannot hear le.

  2. Zara is so bright. With all the TLC from mom, she will grow up to be a fine young lady :P

  3. i like recording Gordon's words too. Especially when he cries. I'll replay that for him the moment he starts crying, that'll get him confused and he'll laugh after that.

  4. ahh, such wonderful moment! isn't it a wonderful bliss to be a mum? I guess this is one of the stage i love the most, that babies start to learn how to talk! how cute! the sound they make, they echo ... awgh!

  5. Aww...Zara is so sweet and cute..hehe..now i sort of miss those baby languages Damien used to make..can record more or not huh?..hehe..;p

  6. SO CUTE!!! Now you are trying to get her to talk, bet next time you can't wait to shut her up!! lol (especially when u r watching TV.. Why? .... Why? .... Why?....) LOL

  7. Samm,
    Haha, I was like that as well. When Zara was an infant, I did recording of her crying, when she cried, I played it back for her, and it's very funny to see her stunt face when she heard it, and normally it would quiet her.

    Yeah, if only the cuteness will last forever.
    (Aigh, but I want her to grow up too don't I?)

    You should do recording of Damien's voice also or even video him, like when he said Merry Christmas for the tree.. LOL.
    Next time when he grows older, and break his voice, it'll be nice to play back to him and tease him. :P
    I'll sure record more..

    I'm sure it'll happen very soon... *biting my nails*
