Saturday, September 7, 2013

Bubbles, Our New Dog

For the longest time, the girls have been asking us for a dog. Last weekend, we succumbed to their request.

Bubbles, a 2 year old West Highland Terrier, was adopted, and moved in with us on Sunday.

I'll let the girls tell you about him.

From Zaria.

From Zara.


  1. Hey, what a great timing. We also adopted a Shihtzu 3 months ago and my son is having fun playing with the dog. She's good company for him.

    I like how the girls described the dog. Zaria is annoyed...haha...very cute.

  2. Westies are very faithful dog. That's why I still have a very difficult time letting go mine even after 1 yr.. all I can say is once routine is established it will be easier. Make sure he knows u're the pack leader!

  3. How's the toilet training progressing?

  4. What a coincidence..
    I went to your FB page and didn't see a pix of the Shihtzu, you have to show!

  5. Yes... after a month with him... the girls are so attached to him and him to the girls.

  6. He does all his business outside now when we bring him out for his walk (almost every 3 hourly).

    But he still pee in the house whenever he's nervous or anxious and also to mark his territory. o.O"
