Thursday, October 6, 2005

2nd Tag

This Tag is easier, it's from YL :

List 10 things that bring you a moment of joy. Tag 5 friends to do the same.

Simple things bring me joy, and I count my blessing everyday, especially when I see Zara lie next to me. Still (to complete this tag) here they are :

1. Waking up with Zara next to me
2. Knowing I'd given birth to a healthy Zara, when I see her
3. Sniffing Zara (some how, she smells like a candy)
4. Getting a hug or kiss from Zara, or having her head lean on me
5. Seeing Zara enjoy herself
6. Being close to nature (waterfalls, beach, mountains, woods)
7. Driving along a scenic route in US with a Never Lost GPS
8. Visiting a wet or street market in a foreign country
9. Enjoying a good meal at my own pace (now it has become a rare luxury, as Daddy & I always have to eat fast, so that we can take turns to look after Zara)
10. Cooking a good meal, and seeing friends or Zara enjoying it

And I'm going to tag :
1) Seng Kor (what brings you joy besides .....)
2) Dinah
3) Mei
4) Jasmine
5) Jefferene

Sue, I'll give you a pass on this. I know being pregnant, you need the rest. :P
Egghead, you are busy preparing for the bloggers' meet, I also give you a pass. *curtsy*


  1. fast kena tag again!!..Errmm..pretend didn't see heheh

  2. u mean besides torturing small and helpless animals..?

  3. Ekkk...I didn't see and read anything...who tag me?? :P
