Sunday, October 16, 2005

Bloggers' Meet

We attended the Bloggers' Meet in Kepong yesterday.

Zara took her nap a wee bit too late, and the traffic from Shah Alam to Kepong was so bad (not to mention the distant) so we ended up arriving at 8pm, 1 1/2hrs later than the start time.

By the time we arrived, most people had already eaten their dinners and had warmed up to each other. We didn't get to move about to talk to most people, since we have to order, eat, feed Zara, entertain Zara, and take photos.

Managed to speak or say Hi to some :
Egghead, Loc Kee, MSAU, sue, Twinsmom, Jason, Milly, Willwolf

I didn't get to say Hi to :
1+2mom, Suzette, peekaboooh, Young Brat.

Egghead was the orgniser, but I didn't get to speak to him at all (except asking for directions on the phone). Managed to utter a few words to beautiful J (you are one lucky fella Egghead), and got Zara to shake hands with Little Skywalker. Egghead had already published the detail of the event in his blog.

We sat at the same table as Sue, who's pregnant (beautifully, I must enviously say), and still made it ON TIME with Ivan.

I went over to introduced myself to MSAU, but I couldn't recall her immediately; after a while when I could link the Panda icon to her blog, then only I know who she was *blush*. Her little girl SQ is such a sociable girl, even reached out to say Hello to Zara and I.

I could spot Sweet Sweet immediately when we entered the restaurant. Sweet Sweet is just like her name, such a sweet little girl, sitting quietly together with her parents, Loc Kee and SSM.

Willwolf was busy snapping away photos in his SLR. Even Daddy was attracted to his gadget, kept asking me to find out from Willwolf the model of the SLR. The photos turned out to be very nice, the wonders of SLR. Willwolf's little brother son is quite a lengjai (good looking), and always have this cheeky smile on.

Jason, hmm, such a sweet young man, the kind of guys you will bring home and your parents would approve off. The only thing he's not sweet about is he called us Uncle & Aunty shamelessly. Made us feel like we'd come to a kids' party, and we're so old.

Smilley Milly was very sweet and quiet, she's so good with kids. Zara, who's normally very chosey actually let Milly carry her.

Twinsmum has such friendly personality. Making sure every body was comfortable and aknowledged every body's presence. The twins, Anabelle and Isabelle are such beautiful girls, and nice soft bob they have (I'm always on a look out for nice hair, since Zara has very little).

Our table was next to Suzette & Peekaboo, but I didn't even take the time to say Hi to them. How embarassing. Never mind, there'll always be another time (I hope).

I saw another pair of twins at another table, younger than Twinsmum's twins, later, I was told, she is 1+2mom, another opportunity to introduce myself and befriend a fellow mummy was wasted. *shame on me*

I didn't see Young Brat at all, I think I was mainly attracted by the sights of kids, since he is still a young bachelor (with no kids obvioulsy), I didn't spot him. (Was he the one seated next to Milly?)

The food at Milwaukee Steak Corner was really quite good, and reasonably priced. I didn't expect my Calamari Steak to be 2 huge grilled sotong/squids though, as the ones I'd eaten in US before were actually diced up squid pancake/pattie. Good, but tough, and since we have to entertain Zara, I didn't have the luxury to chew my food slowly. Daddy had grilled Sole, very delicious indeed, and for the price of RM17, worth it!

We'll definitely come again if ever we're around this area.

The highlight of the event was Twinsmum's birthday celebration. The organiser and co-organisers got her a cake, and we all sang her birthday song (although most were too shy and mumbled the song more than singing), saw her 'speechlessly' thanked us, and had a slice of the cake.

This was both Daddy and my first meeting with cyberfriends. We came because we thought Zara would enjoy it, but I think it was too short a time for her to spend with the kids. I think I enjoyed this more, meeting with people whom I'd read their 'diaries', seen their deepest thoughts, laughed at their silliest jokes, and it was nice being able to link up faces with writings style, or a story.

I definitely will go to another one of these bloggers' meet again. Thanks to Egghead again for organising this.

Here are some photos taken (if you find any of your photos offensive, please leave me a comment and I'll remove it):

Sweet Sweet is such a sweet looking child. No wonder already booked by Luke Skywalker.

I can't tell the twins apart, but they are both very cute.

Zara's potential boy friends, Ivan and Luke Skywalker, and their parents.

Siao Qing : "Your hair very nice la, which hairdresser did you go to?"
Zara : "There, that Baldy Locks unisex salon in Kepong Baru"


  1. milly is here to comment!

    wah...Zara very chosey 1 ar?? then isit i can say im lucky enuff?? huh??

    heheh..nice to mee y actually... ur Zara is cute ler.... hopefully i got chance to carry her again!!

  2. it was great meeting you :) hope we meet up again soon

    milly: ivan is also very choosy la, egghead is right huh, you're a very potential mummy hor ^_^

  3. hehe..nice gathering..i was a bit shy to meetup...probably next round :)

  4. Your mouth is very sweet leh, like "long go yau", hehe! Hey, you forgot to describe Zara, she is sweet and pretty too! :P

  5. hahaha... all the picture so cute... with the drawing, I love it!

  6. thanks again for coming to the gathering!!

    I don't think there's enough time to mingle with everyone there... since the time factor is decided by children's mood anyway...

    I think the next gathering will probably fall during the CNY season so that leecs and shiaulin can make it :)

  7. Hehe, I can not call you "auntie" and "uncle" if someone pays for my food. ROTFLOL. :P Kidding.

    Nice to meet you although it was just a few sentences. :D Heh, your hubby very tall, very, among all the "uncles". :P

  8. Milly,
    Next time you can be nanny or lai-mah (奶妈). You have potential! All chosey kids also accept you woh.

    Nice meeting you too. :P

    Yeah, next time you should come and join the fun.

    Loc Kee,
    How do I send Sweet Sweet's photo to you?

    The fruit juice was so sweet, I have strong after taste after that ma so mouth sweet loh. :P

    Zara always sweet, cute, adorable etc etc to me one, no need to repeat there here. kekeke

    Want to do changgih .gif file like you with tears flowing, or with mouth laughing, but not trained. Next time.. got time I go & learn. :D

    Next time hope to meet you again. Your 2 girls very cute ler..

    Wah.. next one in CNY.. Lots of ang pow to give away woh. Milly, Jason, Peekaboo, Young Brat, Luke, Twinsmum's Twins, 1+2mom's Twins + son etc etc etc.. Must start save $ already.

    Next time I pay for your dinner. You can call me che-che then. :P

  9. Jason, stop calling us "uncles" and "aunties" oredi!! HAHAHAHA.

  10. wahahah....nai ma?? cannot lar... be a babysitter can lar..!! eheh..

    becos milly got some magical spell tat can make all the chosey kid come to me..!! wahahaha

  11. Willwolf,
    You mean he stopped calling others uncles/aunties but still call me & hubby that??!!

    JASON, I want an explanation!!

    I wonder what magic trick you have, hmmm.. *scratch chin*

  12. Err... Err... Errr...

    Wait, I think I called Willwolf Uncle also lah. :P
