Thursday, October 27, 2005

Disabled Toilet cum Changing Room

After my health screening yesterday, I took the rest of the day off and went window shopping at The Curve with King's Wife and her girls.

After visiting a few baby shops on the 1st floor, I wanted to change Zara's diaper, so I looked around for a baby changing room.

Guess what? The disabled toilet is also the baby changing room! I was a bit hesitant to use it, because of all the hoo-hahs recently on the use of disable toilet (see this and this and this). But this is a changing room AND a disabled toilet right? So I'm entitled to use it because IT'S A CHANGING ROOM and I have a baby who needs changing, right?

Anyway, I gingerly went in with Zara. But.. wait a minute. Where's the changing table? *look left, look right* There is only a toilet bowl and a sink!! That's all!!

Where am I supposed to place the baby? On the toilet bowl or the sink? Or the floor? Since it's squeaky clean and dry.

We met the cleaner who happened to be dozing off nearby. I asked her if there's another changing room with changing table.
Her reply, "Semua pun sama, macam itu" (They are all the same, like that).
I asked again how on earth are we supposed to change the baby if there's no table?
Her reply, "Mana saya tahu?" (How would I know).
Then she added, "Ikea sana la, sana ada tempat." (Go to Ikea, they have it there).

Walk to Ikano (the adjacent mall to The Curve)?? That's quite a distant to walk, especially having to carry a tired baby, push a pram which was loaded with shopping bags.

I ended up giving Zara a change in her pram in the ladies.

Now I wonder what cow sense did the management have for giving you a changing room without changing table, and is it right to have the changing room the same as the disabled toilet?


  1. Aiyah, this simply shows the level of commitment by the management. There is no consideration and I bet to include the changing room is an afterthought! Just add 'changing room' wordings to the toilet lor..

  2. Yes, it is frustrating not finding a changing room for my children. I had that incident a couple of times. Once I had to change my son standing.

  3. that's why nowadays you see a lot of parents changing their children just anywhere... very difficult lah

  4. hmm the curve ya... now only i know without changing room hoh...

    wierd that they have a special baby section but without changing facilities.

  5. I don't fancy shopping mall that didn't provide baby room. Usually if I couldn't find one, I would just change my girl on the pram or on the resting chair provided.

  6. baby changing room in disabled toilet? they think mommies with babies are disabled people ah? gees..these days..I give up! i usually change ashley's diaper in her stroller...i'd place on her stroller before i change her...too bad man..they dont give proper place to change..then everyone gets to see babies' diapers getting changed la!

  7. ya man, how insensitive can the management be!

    Speaking of changing room, I took my boy to the changing room in Tesco Puchong last night and gosh, the room is really messy and pathetic.

  8. I always changed Damien in his stroller..quite a challenge actually...keke..Simply don't understand what's this thing about Baby's changing room "cum" handicapped toilet????

  9. changing baby in pram...? susah le.

    The curve has very lousy design. They don't even cater path for baby pram. You know the slanting path to push the pram. I Used to carry pram up n down from one part to another. What a baby unfriendly mall...

  10. that's why I prefer to go Kepong Jusco... where they even provide diapers if you ask for it :)

  11. yeah I know its a bit too late to comment but I was browsing your entries that I have missed these 2 weeks. So sorry. In the curve they have actually a changing room. Very clean ... its located inside Sony Centre. I was shopping wih hubby and 2 kids a few months ago. Denisha was playing in Anakku. And halfway through it she pooed. Eeeww can't change her in the stroller. She's too heavy and her legs too long to manoeuvre so I asked the sales there whether there is a baby room anywhere. Then she told me there's one in Sony Centre. Quite clean but they don't have a place where you can wash their bumbum. Too bad ... have to use wipes. And I always use a 'sarung' (big enuf to cover little people) on the changing table to cover their entire body. So that their skin doesn't touch the table. Prevent germs. Hehehe extreme right.
