Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Pro & Con of working from home

Cons of working from home:

  • We don't have streamyx at home, so I have to use the bloody slow 28kbps line, netmeeting or the application I'm supporting will work like a snail with this speed
  • Already, I'm working in isolation (my other team members are scattered all around Asia), not going to the office means I will miss out on local organizations gossips and updates
  • I can work in peace in the office (won't have a screaming Zara asking for mummy mid way through a teleconference)
  • no one in the Malaysia office will know I'm dead if I work from home all the time

Pros of working from home:

  • I don't have to travel 30mins (highway all the way) to my sis' or bro's plc to drop Tuyam and Zara, and then another 15mins to the office; then in the evening, do the same. Save patrol, save toll (RM3.60 one way) & most importantly time
  • When I start work, I don't have to feel already half tired (from all the driving)
  • I get to spend more time with Zara (since time is not used for travelling)
  • I can spend all my break time playing with Zara as well as to nurse her (it definitely feels better than using the pump)
  • I can check on the food Tuyam feeds Zara
  • I can take a nap during lunch time with Zara
  • The best part of working from home is able to see Zara popping her head into my home office occasionally with this big big grin.

Don't I love my job for allowing me this flexibility?


  1. You have such a luck! Zara is gourgeous!

  2. Having to work from home (like me) has joys...but sometimes a hassle if our little gal insist on wanting their Mommy.

    I love her around, but also prefer to have some peace...So, i leave her with my mom and pop by on and off to look on her, nurse her and play with her! :)

  3. I still prefer to work from home, even though it require more discipline on time management (which I seriously lack off), but can spend more time with kids lor.
    But still...sometime will wish to work outside, I miss the days I work in shopping complex, all day long.

  4. so why don't you work from home? not everyone can afford this luxury. Lucky you!

  5. Anna,

    Can't you? Occassionally?

    Yup. Need lots of disipline. And sometimes u have to work extra hard and longer hours because you want to proove to others you are not lazing at home.

    One of the perks in doing this dog work loh. :P

    Discipline, Discipline, Discipline.

    You live near mum?

    So best is get the flexibility. Can either work fr home or work in office. :P

    That's why I'm not complaining, even doing shit work.

    Yeah loh.. sometimes I get sleepy also.. thn read blogs loh. keke

    mama mia,
    Will try to do it more often, but still need to come back to office to catch up on gossips, and gain back my sanity. :P

  6. Yes, that's my dream to work from home too. But I haven't found the right job for that yet, I have to settle for part time work.

    Great pic!

  7. hey hey dont know that u osoo work from home :>

    mee too, officially no office. sometime feel boring then pop into client's office and Act as mine :p

    err... 1 con of it is, the kid will sometime toooooo sticky to you lo :( espesially you rushing something .
