Thursday, April 13, 2006

Zara Reading - Video

Zara was flipping one of her favourite books, Maisy's Bath Time (it's about Maisy's friend coming to visit Maisy when she's just about to take her bath), and trying to read it.

This is what she said :
She said the book was Maisy's, then Mummy's then eventually said, Zara's.
She said "Going Upstairs, ya" when she came to the page where Maisy's friend went upstairs.
... (don't know what she said in between)
She said, "Floor, Put on the floor" where she got to the page with the picture of the racquet.
On the last page, where the text was, "Splash Splash, Maisy and Tallulah play in the bath, Hooray!" She read, "Splash Splash, Maisy bath, Hooray"


  1. wow wow wow....but i still cannot hear clearly what she said wor...

    but i heard splash splash, maisy...


  2. splish splash I was takin' a bath...

    "going..." errr... "ta ta..." errr...
    "spish spash...!"

    (that's all I could make out.. heheh!)

  3. She likes that book. Very interested in touching those items. Kids need to grow up and get married so I can get grandkids.

  4. Ya, ya, I heard her say "Maisy", "Mummy", "Zara", "Going upstairs", "ee ee eh eh", "Open", "ee ee eh eh", "Floor, put on the floor", Splish Splash, Maisy, Hooray" (heehee).

    Her voice's so cute and still babbling in her baby talks.

  5. **Cock's pulse racing at a breakneck speed as he peeks at Ah May taking bath**

  6. Potential Mom, May,
    Haha.. her pronunciation still not very accurate.. so not easy to make out what she's saying..
    No wonder my MIL said only my maid and I can make out what she's saying. :P

    Simple American,
    Hmm.. someone is craving to be a grand dad huh??

    Wah.. it takes a mum to understand a toddler's talk huh??
    Yeah.. sometimes she still talks in her own Martian language.. and then get frustrated that we cannot understand pulak :P

    Cocka Doodle,
    *wipe away wet puddle* Please wear a bib next time when you choose to salivate in my blog. Thank you.
    *voodoo mouth shut*

  7. I just want to hug a baby and know that when the bundle of joy becomes less joyous I can give him or her back to mommy and daddy. haha ;)

  8. WOw! SHe speaks very good at her age...Great job MOM!
    Keep it up :)
    SHe is just a cutie pie :)
    just feel like wanna hug n squeeze her... :)

  9. So 'dorable, Zara! And such a pretty dress too.
    I must do that recording thingy with my K too. They always look so cute when they are playing or reading or whatever tricks they can think of!

  10. wow, she seem like can read story from book wor! clever girl!

  11. Don't play play, Zara can read, 妈咪,你要靠边站了。

  12. makes you smile from ear to ear isn't it. So cute when they learn how to read, talk and sing.

  13. She knows the story quite well huh? It's good she likes to read. My boy used to like his books until recently. He will only show interest in books with ships, cars, and even street directories! :p

  14. wonderfull...heartwarming...ahhh i love children..

    to zara's mom, continue to enjoy watching zara grow ...u r blessed!


  15. cute nye ZMM , ur hotmail account too small leh..tried to send u karen's photo , but kenot muat...gip la yahoo mail..i emailed u dy in hotmail..didn't get my msg meh?

  16. Yeah, I heard 'Splash splash' too. Just shared the old newspaper talk by Zara with MM. He was tickled by your little girl.

  17. For goodness sake. Get her somehting easier to read la. Like: Da Linpeh Code ;-)

  18. The Mermaid Princess, so sweet!! :-) I want one too...

  19. little princess zara is sooooo adorable, im not a mom yet bt i work in a local mother's chinese magazine, hopefully i get a chance to invite ur daughter to a photo shoot for fashion spread:)

  20. Happy Easter to Zara and her parents!

  21. Splas splas! she's gonna represent malaysia in swimming! or board jumping! it's a signnnnn!

  22. OOOOwww, sooo cute! lol

    splas splas...

  23. Sooo...cute!! :)

    She really speaks very well for her age, Ahmeen trains her well leh..:P

    And i've said before but still wanna said again..i like Ahmeen's voice leh..;)

  24. Yo...she sound so cute with that little voice.... :P

  25. yoo... clever girl! especially the last sentence are so clear!!

    and wow! Zara may have chance to post for parents magazine tim!!!

  26. Simple American,
    Haha.. that's the good thing about being a grandparent huh?
    You get to enjoy the baby when you want to, and when you don't want to, you can always return to the parents. :P

    Happy Easter to you too.

    Thank you..

    Gene Lim,
    Thank you.. I think all babies are cute!!! You can just squeeze and hug every one of them (provided they don't have a soiled diaper and a runny nose) :P

    Yeah, I too am trying to capture as many of such moments as possible. I just realised she has no video before 7 month (because we didn't figure out how to do it).. sigh

    I think she see the photos and describe, and can remember how I read it to her.. :)

    For now.. still need to stand near here.. because she still cannot read new books yet.. But later, when she really knows how to read.. really must 靠边站already.

    Thank you.

    Yeah.. every day, I sleep with a smile on my face..

    They are all cute!! Babies and babies' voices..

    Haha.. Those book (that Gavin likes) will be harder to 'read'.. :P

    Blown Away,
    Thank you.. I sure will.

    My hotmail koyak one.. :P See the comments I left for you in the singing post.

    Domestic Rat,
    Every time I have a tough day at work.. I just look at her photos and hear the recorded voices.. and it'll pick me up!

    De Linpeh Code too humsup.. not suitable for her yet.

    When you come back to KL, I let you baby sit her for a day.. let you enjoy her ok??
    (and I can go shopping)

    Are you for real?
    Sure.. I would love for her to appear in child magazines.. Which one do you work for?

    Or, she'll be a politician.. splashing away the you-know-what.. :P

    *ahem* when you want to babysit for me?

    My voice like shit la.. Her voice nicer..
    Thanks.. :P

    Their voices are all so cute!

    Thank you.. Don't know the anonymous is real or not..
