Monday, July 17, 2006

Our Quality Time with Zara

I have stopped going to the office for a while, and have been working from home for the past 1 month.

I take over the caring for Zara from Tuyam at 6:30pm as she has to prepare dinner.

What we'll do is go to the park together, or have some water fun before she takes her bath. Then we'll have dinner together at the table (Tuyam will feed her), normally this is when Daddy comes back. After dinner, we'll watch a video or to do some drawing together.

At about 9pm, I'll prepare her for bed, and Zara knows her bed time routine.

She has to wash her hands first or she can't touch or get on the bed.
Then it's teeth brushing, followed by changing her into her pajamas. I'll get her to play on her own or get Daddy to watch over her, while I take my night shower.

After that, we let her choose 2 books from her stack which we will read to her.

After reading (up to 3 times a book, sometimes), we'll just talk about what we read from the book. Sometimes she tries to 'read' us the book; sometimes she just talk about the story or book.
Like when we read Goldilocks and the 3 Bears, she would say something like
"Zara like porridge also."
"Zara don't like hot poridge, Zara like warm warm one."
"Zara got Daddy, Mummy, and Zara."
"Zara like soft soft bed. Can roll here roll there." etc.
This is a good time to get her talking.

If she's still full of energy, we'll do some singing, or else, I'll make her bottle of milk, turn the lights off and have her drink her milk. This is the time Daddy will say his good night, and leave the room.

After her milk, I'll kiss her good night, "Good night Zara, sweet dreams." and she'll repeat, "Good night mummy, sweet dreams."

If she didn't drift off to sleep immediately, she would start telling me what she wants to dream about. I don't know if she understood what dream is, but she would go ..
"Dream about...Small small cheese. Cold cold, yummy yummy one. Zara like."
"and then... chocolate. Sweet sweet one! Very yummy. Zara put in the mouth."
"Dream about... swimming. Zara swim swim with dolphins. Water cold cold. So nice!"
"Dream about.. the zoo. Zara see lion, elephant, giraffe.." etc etc
I'll just be the facilitaor and prompt her to tell me more, but let her do all the talking.

Sometimes I get too tired, and I'll drift off to sleep before her. Sometimes, I can hear the last word coming out from her mouth, and the next thing, she's sound asleep.

This is the quality time we have with her, daily, unless I have a night meeting to attend and Tuyam has to tuck her to bed.

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